Texas Monthly reviews Dave Ward’s memoir

Michael Berryhill of Texas Monthly has reviewed Dave Ward’s book. See a portion of the review below:

By the time Ward retired as an evening news anchor at KTRK, in 2017 at the age of 78, he’d set a Guinness World Record for fifty years of continuously holding such a job at the same station. He’d possessed the required instincts for navigating a long life on television, and he was perfectly suited to Houston—a city that grew substantially in the last half of the twentieth century as droves of small-town, blue-collar people arrived there seeking opportunities to prosper.

Reading Ward’s new memoir, Good Evening, Friends: A Broadcaster Shares His Life, is like sitting down with him as he reminisces at Kay’s, which was only a dozen blocks or so east of the KTRK studio. “Our Channel 13 crew ended up going down there almost every night right after the 10 o’clock news,” he writes. “Part of the folklore around Kay’s maintains that Red and I were occasionally seen dancing together on the tables at Kay’s. I can’t confirm that … but then again, I cannot deny it either.” READ THE REST

"Good Evening, Friends: A Broadcaster Shares His Life"

Learn more about Dave Ward's biography.